About Us

We Are Trusted by More Than 30+ Clients

Focuses on providing international logistics solutions for companies that import frozen products with the highest quality in the market.

In 2018 we started our export operations of frozen poultry and marine products from the USA. We work directly with the largest companies and processing plants, which allows us to obtain better offers for our commercial partners. We are active members of USAPEEC.

Proud members of

Why Choose Us?

Partnered with top suppliers from United States and Brazil.

Working directly with the largest companies  and processing plants, which allows us to obtain better offers for our commercial partners.

Some of our suppliers


USA Headquarter – Savage, Minnesota



Phone Number:

+1 (612) 757 – 3091

Contact Us

Have a question? Feel free to contact us, we’d love to hear from you! Whether it is about any inquiry or need more information about our products. Please send us a query.


USA Headquarter – Savage, Minnesota




+1 (612) 757 – 3091